September 8, 2008

Slate Lake: Gore Range Trail

We decided to make the 20 mile round trip hike to Slate Lake in the Gore Range over the Labor Day weekend. At least we thought it would be 20 miles. To reach Slate Lake, we started at the Rock Creek Trailhead(On highway 9 outside of Silverthorne) and then turned onto Gore Range Trail for about 4 miles, backtracked 2 miles, and then continued at the turn pictured above for another 3 miles until we turned onto Slate Creek Trail towards Slate lake another 5 miles. Now the sign pictured above is very tricky...It is slightly hidden behind a huge pine tree and in our excitement to see our great state, we missed it. It wasn't until we hit private property that I realized we were most definitely not where we should be! The Saturday we had planned to walk 10 miles and ended up walking approximately 14!
The hike to Slate Lake is absolutely worth it. The valley is absolutely beautiful and the water is crystal clear. There were 2 other groups at the lake when we were and they each caught a ton of fish. You could see the fish swimming around from the shore.
All in all the trip was about 25 miles round trip with a total elevation gain of 3,000 ft. Be prepared to gain and lose altitude the entire trip. It defintiely was one of the most tiring hikes I have done in a long time!


Alvaro MAM said...

Wow, must be amazing, the kind of image I have in my head about the nature in USA

Betty to Everest 2009 said...

It was absolutely amazing Alvaro! You know you are always welcome to come see it for yourself!! Shobana is coming out to Denver in Two weeks!!